University of Vienna

Third Mission projectsEstablishing partnerships between science and various societal stakeholdersReports and materials
Knowledge ExchangeSupporting researchers at the University interested in science communication and reaching the broader public

Overview of services

Rudolphina research magazine

Childrens' Office

Citizen Science projects

DLE ÖffentlichkeitsarbeitToolbox Communication, guidelines and services for University of Vienna researchers and employees engaging in science communication & interactions with the mediaLink to (internal) communication resources hub
Environmental Research Network (ERN)Regular sci. comm. and media training for environmental scientistsRetrospect of the 2022 event




University of Graz

Die 7. Fakultät: Zentrum für Gesellschaft, Wissen und Kommunikation

Focus: Communicating university research to different publics through various science communication formats

University of Salzburg

Focus: Open Access, Science Slams, Science for Kids & Teens