Sophie Lecheler is Professor for political communication research at the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna. She is a member of the Political Communication Research Group, which focuses on studying the relations between political elites, media, and citizens. Bringing in the communicative aspects of science communication, Sophie Lecheler is interested in the effectiveness of communicaticative strategies used in science communication.

Sarah Davies is Professor of Technosciences, Materiality, & Digital Cultures at the Department of Science and Technology Studies. Interested in the interactions of society and science, how science and its practices are represented in society, Sarah Davies' research has involved studying science festivals and hackerspaces.  Having written Science Communication (2016, with Maja Horst), Sarah Davies brings in an understanding of current research in the field of science communication.

Torsten Möller is professor of Visualization and Data Analysis at the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Vienna. He is head of the research group of the same name, a group which is interested in developing tools and algorithms for analysing and displaying data. Bringing in the data-driven side to communication, Torsten Möller is interested in science communication from an informatics-perspective and the opportunities visualization brings. 

Laura Still, BA BA

Laura Still is a student assistant, supporting the implementation of the activities of the working group. Her interest in science communication stems from her studies at the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna, where she is currently obtaining her Masters degree.